Chinese translation for "for this once"
- 只这一次
Related Translations:
oncer: n.〔英口〕(为义务关系)只做一次的人;一年只到一次的人;从一而终的女子。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Do it for this once . 就干这一次吧。 | | 2. | And as the girl withdrew she added , smiling , fortunately , i have it in my power to supply deficiencies for this once 等这位姑娘一走,她便笑着补充说: “幸好我自己还能够弥补这次的欠缺。 ” |
- Similar Words:
- "for this burning in my veins" Chinese translation, "for this head of mine" Chinese translation, "for this matter" Chinese translation, "for this moment of our love" Chinese translation, "for this moment to come" Chinese translation, "for this one occasion only" Chinese translation, "for this purpose" Chinese translation, "for this reason" Chinese translation, "for this reason; hence the cause" Chinese translation, "for this stronger reason" Chinese translation